環境:MacOS 10.11
$ cat $HOME/.atom/packages/latex/lib/builders/latexmk.js 'use babel' import childProcess from 'child_process' import path from 'path' import Builder from '../builder' export default class LatexmkBuilder extends Builder { constructor () { super() this.executable = 'latexmk' } static canProcess (filePath) { return path.extname(filePath) === '.tex' } run (filePath) { const args = this.constructArgs(filePath) const command = `${this.executable} ${args.join(' ')}` const options = this.constructChildProcessOptions() options.cwd = path.dirname(filePath) // Run process with sensible CWD. options.maxBuffer = 52428800 // Set process' max buffer size to 50 MB. options.env.max_print_line = 1000 // Max log file line length. return new Promise((resolve) => { // TODO: Add support for killing the process. childProcess.exec(command, options, (error) => { resolve((error) ? error.code : 0) }) }) } // constructArgs (filePath) { // const outputFormat = atom.config.get('latex.outputFormat') || 'pdf' //// const args = [ // '-interaction=nonstopmode', // '-f', // '-cd', // `-${outputFormat}`, // '-file-line-error' // ] // // const enableShellEscape = atom.config.get('latex.enableShellEscape') // const enableSynctex = atom.config.get('latex.enableSynctex') !== false // const engineFromMagic = this.getLatexEngineFromMagic(filePath) // const customEngine = atom.config.get('latex.customEngine') // const engine = atom.config.get('latex.engine') // // if (enableShellEscape) { // args.push('-shell-escape') // } // if (enableSynctex) { // args.push('-synctex=1') // } // // if (engineFromMagic) { // args.push(`-pdflatex="${engineFromMagic}"`) // } else if (customEngine) {// args.push(`-pdflatex="${customEngine}"`) // } else if (engine && engine !== 'pdflatex') { // args.push(`-${engine}`) // } // // let outdir = this.getOutputDirectory(filePath) // if (outdir) { // args.push(`-outdir="${outdir}"`) // } // // args.push(`"${filePath}"`) // return args // } constructArgs (filePath) { const args = [ '-interaction=nonstopmode', '-f', '-cd', '-synctex=1', '-file-line-error', '-pdfdvi', '-latex=platex', '-e \'$dvipdf="dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S";$bibtex="pbibtex %O %B";$makeindex="mendex %O -o %D %S";\'' ] const enableShellEscape = atom.config.get('latex.enableShellEscape') if (enableShellEscape) { args.push('-shell-escape') } let outdir = this.getOutputDirectory(filePath) if (outdir) { args.push(`-outdir="${outdir}"`) } args.push(`"${filePath}"`) return args } }